
Revision control with git

This presentation introduces the use of git for revision control. It has been used at several occations at the University of Southern Denmark, access.

Introduktion til LaTeX

This presentation (in danish) gives an introduction to the typesetting language LaTeX, download materials, download slides as pdf.

Introduktion til LaTeX continued

This presentation is a continuation of the introduction lecture above, download materials, download slides as pdf.

Introduktion to classifiers

This presentation is from a guest lecture about object recognition and classifiers, download.

Object recognition

This presentation is from a guest lecture about object recognition and classifiers, download.

Complex numbers and image analysis

A presentation about how to use complex numbers for locating certain markers based on repeating patterns in grayscale images, download.

Weed map generation from UAV image mosaics based on crop row detection

A presentation about how to generate a weed map from a UAV ortho mosaic. Presentation from CIGR 2016. [ slides, video].

Differentialligninger (danish)

A presentation about differential equations, download.

Students' benefit from video with interactive quizzes in a first-year calculus course

A presentation about differential equations, slides as pdf, slides as html.